If you are trying to customise your rental property or your house, then, amongst other things, you cannot forget to personalize your bathroom. When we think about refurbishment and renovation, what comes to our mind first is probably the living room or the kitchen. However, the bathroom is a key element if we want our houses to look unique and detailed.

The bathroom is a room everybody spends time in, and that’s why it should reflect our personalities and please our tastes. For this reason, I recommend choosing the accessories you like very carefully and, if you don’t know where to start, then this article is definitely going to help you out.

Together we are going to go over the main accessories and details you can use to either renovate or refurbish your bathroom. There’s no need to worry about your landlord or your wife, these options are so varied they will suit everybody’s tastes.

If you still find yourself short of ideas after finishing the article, don’t forget you can always contact some bathroom refurbishment companies in London and ask for their advice. Professionals are available to take a look at your specific bathroom and suggest the best options and solutions for your house.

Needless to say, before picking your accessories, you should at least have an idea of the bathroom style you’re trying to go for. For example, if you want to have a vintage bathroom, you should choose vintage accessories made of materials that resemble gold, while if you are looking for a Scandinavian style, you should lean towards wooden accessories.

But let’s start with describing some accessories right away!


If there’s a room in the house where mirrors are important, that’s the bathroom. You dress, shave, put make up on and do countless other things in front of a mirror, therefore, the mirror is a crucial element in any bathroom.

Mirrors are not only useful, but they also have the power of making your bathroom look larger or more illuminated. For these reasons, you should always pay a lot of attention to the mirror you want to buy.

I’d advise choosing a large mirror, rather than multiple smaller ones, if your bathroom is small. Bathroom mirrors are available in many sizes and shapes for the same model, but you can also ask bathroom fitters in London to design a mirror especially for your bathroom.

The most common shapes are circular, square and rectangular, but you can also find asymmetrical or peculiar ones, some models can even be integrated with others to create something even more unique. Amongst the most peculiar mirror versions, there’s one that has a hanger incorporated which you can use to hang your clothes.

Mirrors can be hung on the wall or they can be connected with the sink or a cabinet, nowadays independent mirrors are typically preferred, especially if you can match them with other elements of your bathroom while keeping everything disconnected. However, you are free to do what you like the most with your bathroom and there’s no rule you need to follow.

Let’s now talk about mirrors and illumination. Some mirrors have lights which are built in the top frame and the more modern ones also allow you to regulate the intensity of the light. Placing lights near mirrors or reflecting surfaces is a smart way of illuminating any room without spending too much money on the electricity bill at the end of the month.

Last thing about mirrors, some models have an exclusive feature that prevents them from getting fogged!


Shelves are perfect solutions in modern bathrooms as an alternative to classical cabinets. They are light and they offer a lot of space where you can place smaller accessories or your personal belongings.

The most popular kind of shelf is the one that can incorporate the sink into it so that you can have something like a countertop. These are called sink shelves and they’re usually between 12 and 13 centimetres thick. You can find them mostly made of many versions of wood you can easily adapt to your bathroom’s style and colours.

Sink shelves aren’t only made of wood; you can also pick cheaper materials such as metals which are more resistant to humidity.

Shelves are available in different sizes so that they can most likely fit any bathroom. You can usually find them in pre-made collections which include bigger and smaller sizes and that you can position in your bathroom as you see fit. The good thing about shelves is that you can have both a symmetrical look and a ‘disorganised’ one with the same items. In any case, shelves are going to make your bathroom look balanced.

Shelves can be positioned one above the other and, furthermore, in the space beneath your shelves, you can place something like a cabinet, or maybe a chair, a stool or even a laundry basket.

I’d recommend going for shelves because they are very versatile items and they can fit close to any bathroom style you like. If you are unsure how to make the most of a shelf collection, don’t forget to ask bathroom designers and installers for their opinion!

Pink or Bronze Bathroom Faucets

They might sound like a pretty peculiar choice, however, pink or bronze coloured faucets are very trendy these days. Not to mention they can make your bathroom look unique just by themselves.

Pink or bronze faucets not only catch your attention right away, but they also give your bathroom an elegant look and a note of colour. You can find these faucets in many different shapes, from classical ones to newer ones, and you can even match the colour of the sink with the faucets.

Regardless of the shape, a pink or bronze faucet can fit any style. For example, a pink one is more suited for a vintage or classical style, while a bronze one is perfect to resemble the metallic feel the Urban style requires.

Remember that, if you choose to go for a pink or bronze faucet for your sink, you will then have to install the same faucet and colour for all the other faucets in the room, bathtub included.

Laundry Basket

A laundry basket sounds like a secondary element, however most of us keep one in the bathroom. Choosing the laundry basket shouldn’t be taken lightly because it needs to be functional while preferably matching the bathroom’s style.

Metal, plastic, wood… Laundry baskets are made using the most different materials, but the common characteristic is that all of them are extremely quick and easy to clean.

The shape of this item is also important, some of them can look like a sack or a bag that stand on its own, or they can be soft and easily folded when not used. Some models are square or rectangular, other are cylindric, I recommend choosing the shape basing on the other shapes in your bathroom. For example, in a minimal style bathroom, a metallic, rectangular laundry basket might be the best choice, while in Scandinavian style wood is definitely advised.

Nowadays you can find laundry baskets in many colours, however lighter and softer colours are preferred. Natural colours, beige, grey and white are the most popular because they can easily match the colour of the other furniture in the room without causing too much trouble.

If the washing machine is in a different room, I recommend choosing a model with wheels, especially if it becomes very heavy when full. Some models also allow you to differentiate your laundry by colour or material in order to make laundry easier for you.

Remember that laundry baskets need to be easily cleaned, therefore, if you choose a wooden one, make sure it has cotton bag inside of it you can quickly wash and dry.


Before choosing the accessories for your bathroom, always make sure they match the furniture and the style you already have. The bathroom shouldn’t only be functional, and that’s why we should all spend a little more time choosing the right details.

Bathroom design specialists are always a call away, so don’t hesitate to contact them to clear any doubt!

If you want to know more about creating the perfect bathroom contact us at: https://landlordbathrooms.com/contact/

I hope this article was helpful and good luck to you all in finding the perfect solutions for you and your house!