We love shower rooms and believe fantastic design should be available to Landlords and Tenants
A quality shower room is essential to attract tenants and make them feel at home.
At The Landlord Bathroom Company our aim is to offer Landlords a range of quality bathrooms to suit tenants.
Whilst we will make suggestions we always respect and deliver our client’s choice.
Size and layout will always be a factor but we have yet to encounter a shower room that cannot be made desirable.

Initial Planning
We will work closely with you from the beginning stage to establish what your needs are. Then we start the exciting process of design.

You will be presented with our range of bathroom options to help you choose. We will then prepare detailed plans so you can see how your bathroom will look.

Our professional and skilled installation team will then work hard to craft you a fantastic bathroom.
Interested in our services?
Contact us today to arrange your consultation with one of our experts.
Our Office
Contact Us
0330 223 6363
Office Hours
Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm